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Longévité des félins


Average lifespan



In the wild

In captivity



Panthera tigris

8 to 10 years

15 to 20 years

15 ans ( wild )

26 ans ( captivity )

Snow leopard

Panthera uncia

15 to 18 years

15 to 21 years

22 years ( captivity )


Panthera leo

10 to 16 years

20 to 25 years

29 years ( captivity )


Panthera pardus

12 to 17 years

Up to 23 years

28 years ( captivity )


Panthera onca

12 to 15 years

Up to 23 years

16 years ( wil )

23 years( captivity )

Clouded leopard

Neofelis nebulosa

11 years

Up to 15 years

17 years ( captivity )

Sunda clouded leopard

Neofelis diardi


Marbled cat

Pardofelis marmorata


Up to 12 years


Asian golden cat

Pardofelis temminckii



Up to 20 years


Bay cat

Pardofelis badia



Leptailurus serval

10 years

Up to 20 years



Caracal caracal

12 years

Up to 17 years

20 years ( captivity )

African golden cat

Caracal aurata


Up to 12 years



Leopardus pardalis

7 to 10 years

Up to 20 years

21 years ( captivity )


Leopardus wiedii

12 to 14 years

Up to 20 years

24 years ( captivity )


Leopardus tigrinus

11 to 14 years

Up to 17 years


Pamapas cat

Leopardus colocolo

9 years

10 to 12 years

16 years ( captivity )

Andean cat

Leopardus jacobita


Geoffroy's cat

Leopardus geoffroyi

12 years

12 to 14 years

19 years ( captivity ; still living )


Leopardus guigna

11 years

Up to 15 years



Lynx rufus

6 to 8 years

Up to 25 years

16 years ( wild )

34 years ( captivity )

Canada lynx

Lynx canadensis

10 to 12 years

Up to 14 years

15 years ( wild )

21 years ( captivity )

Eurasian lynx

Lynx lynx

15 years

Up to 20 years

24 years ( captivity )

Iberian lynx

Lynx pardinus

13 years



Puma concolor

8 to 13 years

Up to 20 years

18 years ( wild )

30 years ( captivity )


Puma yagouaroundi

10 to 12 years

10 to 12 years

16 years ( captivity )


Acinonyx jubatus

10 to 12 years

Up to 17 years

14 years ( wild )

18 years ( captivity )

Leopard cat

Prionailurus bengalensis


Up to 13 years


Rusty spotted cat

Prionailurus rubiginosus


Up to 12 years


Fishing cat

Prionailurus viverrinus

10 to 12 years

Up to 17 years


Flat headed cat

Prionailurus planiceps


14 years ( captivity )

Pallas cat

Otocolobus manul

8 to 10 years

Up to 11 years


Jungle cat

Felis chaus

12 to 14 years

10 to 12 years

14 years ( captivity )

20 years ( wild )

Black footed cat

Felis nigripes

4 to 6 years

10 to 13 years

16 years ( captivity )

Sand cat

Felis margarita

8 to 10 years

Up to 13 years

14 years ( captivity )


Felis silvestris

12 years

Up to 15 years

16 years ( captivity )

Domestic cat

Felis silvestris catus


12 to 18 years

38 years ( confirmed )

42 years ( not confirmed )


  • Yasmine

    1 Yasmine Le 12/06/2022

    Cet article est intéressant, mais je ne comprends pas l'anglais malheureusement.

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